Subject: Forward: Dungeon Memory Locations Author: Dan Pinal Date: 20-Apr-2001 17:51:52 Well the 8-bit source code is either lost or unrecoverable, so all I have is my memory. Basically, there's this big block of memory in the character data where all items go except for things like gold, copper, etc. All items even the ones you drop are stored here. A spell is just another type of item. Each item can be of variable size. Somewhere in the header of the item is it's size and where the "effects" are offset in it. The effects are a fixed size, something like 16 or 32 bytes. The effects fall into a few basic categories. "Get", "Drop", "Use", "Unuse", "Poof" and probably others I've forgotten. Inside the effect data is some pseudo code. The code can do things like add a number to an offset in character data when "Used" set a timer etc. An item could have multiple effects for Get, use, etc. A Strength spell when used could have an immediate effect when "used" of adding 50 to Strength and then starting an "Unuse" effect of subtracting 50 to Strength on a countdown timer. These effects were queued and stored in another area of memory. Things like combat spells I believe stored a value in the character data that was only looked at by the combat code. There were also a number of specials that didn't just +/- character data. The spell % might be stored in the effect area. I'd suggest looking for the name of the spell and then searching for a number that matched its percentage. With a couple of different spells to look at, it probably wouldn't be hard to spot. A disease would also be another type of item. Invisible in your inventory it would have a nasty effect when you "get" it and only something special would allow you to "drop" it. An improperly defined item might do something really cool with the code to cancel its cool effect missing if it was destroyed rather than the item dropped or unused. Then you could have permanent effects. As I recall, they do exist. Dan